Legal Services Company for Sale
We have a Legal Services company on the market. If growth via acquisition is part of your company’s strategic plan, or if a career change is timely please reach out to me to schedule a brief (10 minutes) high-level confidential discovery phone call.
Business Summary:
General Location: Ontario, Canada
Employees: Employees: 5+
Organization: Privately Owned
Years in Business: 20+ years
Years Owned: 10+ years
Annual Sales: 922K
Adjusted EBITDA: 368K
Selling Price: 1.15M
Financing: TBD
Overview: A legal services company offering services in process serving; authentication and legalization; and document retrieval and litigation search. This business has been in service for over 20+ years, with many long-standing clients doing business with the company for over 10+ years. Moreover, the business has an additional competitive advantage of having a large and reliable agent network, allowing the business to fulfill client orders globally. Notably, within this field of business, this company operates professionally and with high integrity, making it unique amongst its peers.
Lease: Flexible lease with 3+ years remaining on term.
Customer: Majority of clients sourced from the private sector, and 10% from the public sector. The top 20 clients have been with the company for over 20 years.
Skills Required: No specific skills or licensing required; however, it is recommended that the owner be bilingual and be dedicated to learning the business in order to provide ongoing support to the staff.
Reason for Exit: The two shareholders are moving on to new projects.
If growth via acquisition is part of your strategic plan, please reach out to schedule a brief high-level discovery call.
Inquiries about this business contact Harvey Schilkey.
My confidential email is harvey@mor-liquidity.com and/or my direct dial is 1-866-533-9324 ext. 704.
*All communications are kept confidential: We respect your privacy and will keep all conversations private and confidential unless otherwise discussed.